Blog Archive

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It has been brought to my attention by a dear friend and my mother that they have been waiting for a new post. Well here it is, random at best! I am not going to throw exuses out for my non-blogging phase. In 30 days, there will be more posts than anyone can keep up with! That is right, 30 more days of school!

Jeremy is out of town so tonight I attempted taking Eddie and Caroline to the lake for a picnic. I got there and then the darkest cloud came over us, with a strong wind and we turned right back to come home. Although here we are at 9:30 and still no rain I was not taking any chances. So we had our picnic inside! Maybe we will try tomorrow.

The only thing I can get my baby girl to eat is strawberries! By the way.......she has started taking steps, not many but she walked 7 steps to me! Another by the way.....she likes to stand in the tub while clapping her hands singing mommy I want more strawberries!

Eddie in this picture from our picnic enjoyed pulling the grapes off of the vines. He also likes to make me a cracker, turkey and cheese sandy from his lunchable!

Here is Andrew and Eddie playing with Austin's Hummer.

Caroline into the snacks...not to eat them, just play.

So I have no Easter pictures. Again, no exuses. Here the kids are opening their Easter baskets from Gramma and Pop- Pop Truhart.



Jen said...

YES! FINALLY!!! Loved the post and loved the pictures! Go Caroline go! I wonder if she will walk like the little diva she is...maybe a little hip-swish?

Darcy said...

Glad to know my kids aren't the only ones who will eat fruit and cheese exclusively.

Heather said...

YEAAA!!!! See just a few hours over here and she is walking...hehehehehehhe
Go Caroline!

MMM strawberries.