Blog Archive

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Pop pop Truhart came for a long weekend visit. We had a blast. We spent every opportunity we had on the go! When I picked him up we came home and sat outside on the deck until Jeremy came home. Then he and I went to the grocery store to get all of our needed supplies! When Eddie woke up from his nap we went to the cemmetary to bring Emily her flowers. My dad flew in on My 28th. We then went to Costco for MORE supplies.

we sepnt a lot of time outside in the backyard. The kids played while the adults sat around our new table and talked. My dad bought us a new table set (not pictured-yet).

As always, we invited our neighbors over. The kids play so well together.

We spent an afternoon at the Zoo with the Cross crew: Scott, Jen, Austin, Cody & Tyler. The day couldn't have been any better.

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